位置 南京,忘山苑
类型 庭院
面积 60.5平方米
风格 现代简约
材料 太湖石 芬兰木 石英砖 木板
The current landscape of the courtyard is monotonous,and the site isrelatively spacious.The owner hopes to have a pool for fish farming,withmore hard paving,which matches well withe green plants,There also needsto be a rest platform for homeowners to rest and chat with theirfriends.
▼院子细节 Courtyard Details
▼院子细节 Courtyard Details
▼院子细节 Courtyard Details
▼院子细节 Courtyard Details
▼院子总览 Overview of the Yard
▼院子总览 Overview of the Yard
A three broken bridge was set at the entrance,and the ground wasdecorated with white quartz bricks and Mount Taishan stone floorcarvings.Set up a wooden platform at the indoor exit to serve as anobservation deck,and create a rest platform at the southwest corner ofthe atom,with black quartz bricks for edges. The overall route adopts astraight curve intersection method.Build a landscape wall opposite theentrance to cover the indoor landscape and also serve as alandscape.Using various trees to decorate every corner of the yard.