位置 南京,忘山苑
类型 露台
面积 58.82 平方米
风格 现代简约
材料 石材 木材 实木 地面 木地板
The current situation of the terrace has no signs of decoration, andthe owner wants a place to place the washing machine, with a largestorage space, and a flower box arranged on the outside of theterrace.
▼露台内部 Terrace Interior
▼露台总览 Terrace Overview
▼露台外部 Terrace Exterior
▼露台正面 Front of Terrace
▼露台右侧 Right Side of Terrace
▼露台左侧 Left Side of Terrace
▼露台鸟瞰 A Bird’s-eye View of the Terrace
▼露台夜晚一 Terrace Night One
▼露台夜晚二 Terrace Night Two
▼露台夜晚三 Terrace Night Three
Simplicity and practicality are the basic characteristics of modernminimalist style. Large area hardening highlights the main theme ofsimplicity and liveliness, and the placement of flower boxes reflectsthe delicacy and individuality of the entire design.